Excursion for pupils of agriculture school in Hollabrunn with in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel“ (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)
Project visit by Maria Christine Schweighofer (Schutzgebietsnetzwerk Weinviertel) in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel“ (Action D.7: Sensibilisierung der Stakeholder in WWV und SPT)
RAMSAR event in Marchegg (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awareness among stakeholders in WWV und SPT)
Delegates from Czech Republic as well as R. Raab visited the projet area “Westliches Weinviertel“; introduction to the LIFE+ Project by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)
Annual Meeting of Lower Austrian hunters in Asparn an der Zaya (A), presentation of the LIFE+ project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awareness among stakeholders in WWV und SPT)
Presentation “Great Bustard – conservation measures for the heaviest bird from Eurasia that is able to fly“ in Illmitz (A) in the frame of the Birdexperience 2013 by R. Raab and following excursion through the Natura 2000 area ”Waasen – Hanság“ (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)
Excursion in the frame of the Birdexperience 2013 by R. Raab through the Natura 2000 area ”Waasen – Hanság“ (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)
Excursion for co-workers oft he EVN Naturkraft in the project area ”Parndorfer Platte – Heideboden“ under the leadership of R. Raab (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)
April 7-12, 2013: Scientific Symposium on the Conservation of Great Bustard in Middle Europe and Third meeting of the signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation and management of the Middle-European population of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) in Szarvas (HU), presentation of the progress within the LIFE+ project by R. Raab und Presentation ”Endangering factors and their effect on adult birds and conservation activities thereof - some results from the Austrian LIFE and LIFE+ project and other scientific results” (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator and Action D.6: Publications in professional journals and lectures at conferences of experts)
Further education sessions for chosen farmers with bustards protection fields in the project area "Westliches Weinviertel" within the frame of nature conservation plan or for training of monitoring on behalf of the office of the Lower Austrian government, department of nature conservation in Sitzendorf (A) from R. Raab; presentation and a connected excursion to bustard area for the presentation of the Natura 2000 area under special consideration of Great Bustard in small groups of about 20 to 40 persons (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)
Since the summer of 2012, Mag. Rainer Raab assists the hungarian colleagues with the implementation of the next experts- and MoU-meetings for great bustard conservation, which is planned in april 2013 in Hungary. Therefore, the Central European bustard coordinator participated in a meeting on the 22nd of March 2013 in Budapest (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)
Project visit by DI Franz Angerer, from the office of the State Government of Lower Austria (Niederösterreich), Environment and Energy industry Department, in the project area “Parndorfer Platte – Heideboden“ (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)
Event of BirdLife Austria in Vienna (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in the presentation from H.-M. Berg and M. Dvorak and in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)
3rd Ornithological congress of the county Győr-Moson-Sopron in Kapuvár (H): Presentation of the lecture “Der Einfluss von Freileitungen auf die westpannonische Population der Großtrappe sowie Ziele und Maßnahmen des LIFE+ Projektes Großtrappe“ by R. Raab (Action D.6: Publications in professional journals and lectures at conferences of experts)
Event of viadonau in Dürnkrut (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)
Farmers ensure - in consultation with the Great Bustard advisor – the access to rape fields for the Great Bustard in winter in both project areas „Westliches Weinviertel“ and „Parndorfer Platte – Heideboden“ (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)
Meeting of Austrian-Hungarian ornithologists in Illmitz (A): Presentation of the lecture “ Monitoring der Großtrappe in den Gebieten Parndorfer Platte - Heideboden, Mosonszolnok und Hanság 2002-2012 sowie Ziele und Maßnahmen des LIFE+ Projektes Großtrappe“ by R. Raab (Action D.6: Publications in professional journals and lectures at conferences of experts