Life Project Austria 2005-2010 Press Releases

On July 23rd, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the information and observation point at the church of Wartberg in Straning-Grafenberg and the achievements of bustard conservation in Lower Austria in the programme "Niederösterreich Heute".

Niederösterreich Heute am 23. Juli 2010 (avi, 10,00 MB)

On July 23rd, 2010 Radio Niederösterreich broadcasted at 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the news and at 7:20 in the programme “Magazin” a report about the information and observation point at the church of Wartberg in Straning-Grafenberg and the achievements of bustard conservation in Lower Austria.

Radio Niederösterreich Nachrichten-Beitrag am 23. Juli 2010 (mp3, 2,31 MB)

Radio Niederösterreich Magazin-Beitrag am 23. Juli 2010
(mp3, 3,76 MB)

On July 21st, 2010 NÖN Horn/Eggenburg published two articles about the opening of the information and observation point by member of the government of Lower Austria Dr. Stephan Pernkopf, LJM ÖkR Dr. Christian Konrad (hunting association of Lower Austria) und department head DI Günter Liebel (Lebensministerium - Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management) at the church of Wartberg in Straning-Grafenberg and the achievements of bustard conservation in Lower Austria.

NÖN Horn/Eggenburg am 21. Juli 2010 Seite 19 (pdf, 1,46 MB)

NÖN Horn/Eggenburg am 21. Juli 2010 Seite 80 (pdf, 1,87 MB)

On July 11th, 2010 Kurier Niederösterreich published a article about the opening of the information and observation point by member of the government of Lower Austria Dr. Stephan Pernkopf, LJM ÖkR Dr. Christian Konrad (hunting association of Lower Austria) und department head DI Günter Liebel (Lebensministerium - Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management) at the church of Wartberg in Straning-Grafenberg and the achievements of bustard conservation in Lower Austria.

Kurier Niederösterreich am 11. Juli 2010 (pdf, 1,88 MB)

From July 10th to July 20th, 2010 the newspaper Heute and various community newspapers mentioned the information and observation point at the church of Wartberg in Straning-Grafenberg and the achievements of bustard conservation in Lower Austria.

On July 9th, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a short report about the opening of the information and observation point, as part of the LIFE project, in the programme "Niederösterreich Heute".

In June 2010 the ÖBB Infrastruktur produced an information leaflet about their achievements for the environment with a article about the Great Bustard LIFE project.

ÖBB Infrastruktur in June 2010 (pdf, 671 kB)

In May 2010 a large article about the achievements for the protection of Great Bustard by the Austrian LIFE project was published in “STADT GOTTES“, the journal of the “Steyler-Missionaries”. The article was written by Ursula Moritz and has the title “rescue in the last second”

STADT GOTTES in May 2010 (pdf, 138 kB)

On May 1st, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. ORF 2 and ARD broadcasted a programme „Naturjuwele rund um Wien“ by Hansi Hinterseer und Prof. Dr. Helmut Pechlaner, president of WWF Austria and former director of the “Tiergarten Schönbrunn”. This programme also covered the Great Bustard and results of the Austrian Great Bustard LIFE project.

In March 2010 a large article about the West-Pannonian Great Bustard population was published in “Egretta”, the scientific journal of BirdLife Austria. The article includes detailed information about the population development in Austria and West-Hungary and the implemented conservation projects.
Citation: Raab, R., Kollar, H. P., Winkler, H., Faragó, S., Spakovszky, P., Chavko, J., Maderič, B., Škorpíková, V., Patak, E., Wurm, H., Julius, E., Raab S. and Schütz, C. (2010): Die Bestandsentwicklung der westpannonischen Population der Großtrappe, Otis tarda Linnaeus 1758, von 1900 bis zum Winter 2008/2009. Egretta 51: 74-99.

Egretta in March 2010 (pdf, 1,2 MB)

On March 24th, 2010 an article about the LIFE-project was published in the 12. issue of the "Bezirksblatt Neusiedl":

Bezirksblatt Neusiedl am 24. März 2010 (pdf; 954 KB)

On March 22th, 2010 the following article about the achievements of bustard protection and the LIFE-project was published in Burgenland Kurier:

KURIER Burgenland am 22. März 2010 (pdf, 1,6 MB)

Since March 22th, 20107:00 p.m. BKF broadcasts a report about the LIFE-project in the programme "Burgenland aktuell" every hour:

BKF am 22. März 2010 (avi, 15,2 MB)

On March 21st, 2010 7:00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the LIFE-project in the area Parndorfer Platte in the programme "Burgenland Heute": vom 21.03.2010 (pdf, 76 KB)

On March 21st, 2010 an article about the achievements of bustard protection and the LIFE-project was published on (

Der am 21. März 2010 (pdf, 54 KB)

In March 2010 an article from R. Raab covering the successful protection of Great Bustard in the Natura 2000 area Parndorfer Platte - Heideboden due to good co-operation between nature conservation ,agriculture and hunting and the LIFE-project was published in “INFO Blatt”, the journal of the Burgenland hunting association (issue 1/2010, pages 17 to 19):

INFO Blatt des Burgenländischen Landesjagdverbandes im März 2010 (pdf, 3,2 MB)

On January 5th, 2010 Astrid Johann cycling along the Green Belt covers her visit of the LIFE-project in her blog on Utopia.

Blogeintrag in Utopia am 5. Jänner 2010 (pdf, 21 KB)

An article about the European Green Belt in particularly covering the transboundary project for protection of Great Bustard was published in the edition of December 17, 2009 of Asahi Shimbun, one of Japans high-circulation daily newspapers.

Asahi Shimbun am 17. Dezember 2009 (pdf, 530 KB)

In December 2009 the annual calendar for 2010 of BirdLife Austria was published. A photo of Great Bustard can be found in March accompanied by a text about Great Bustard also citing the achievements made for the species during the LIFE project “Great Bustard”.

In the September 2009 edition of the Slovakian hunting journal “Poľovníctvo a rybárstvo“ page 13 to 15 a detailed article about the achievements of the Austrian project for protection of Great Bustard written by Ing. Marián Šebo and Bc. Tibor Benčič can be found.

Poľovníctvo a rybárstvo 9/09 (pdf, 1,37 MB)

A Google query on June 26th, 2009 showed there is detailed information about the LIFE project on many press and broadcast web pages, for example: Schutzprojekt für Großtrappen - Volksgruppen (, Rettungsprojekt für Großtrappe - (, Bojen zum Schutz von Großtrappen - (, Schutz für Trappen macht sich bezahlt - (, Neues Volksblatt - Kostbare Naturoasen in der früheren Todeszone 26. Juni 2009 ( und Trappenbestand in Niederösterreich hat sich deutlich erholt! (

In June 2009 the successful model of the ÖPUL agri-environmental measures for Great Bustard in Lower Austria was presented in the WWF brochure „NATURA 2000 successful – flexible – modern“.

WWF-Broschüre „NATURA 2000 successful – flexible – modern“ (pdf, 2,97 MB)

In the May 2009 issue of the journal „Universum“ an article about the green belt documentary was published (p. 2-9) in which the cross-border bustard project is mentioned.

On April 25th, 2009 at 5.00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the LIFE-project in the programme "Erlebnis Österreich" which could be received all over Austria.

On April 22nd, 2009 an article about the Great Bustards in Marchfeld was published in the " Kurier Niederösterreich".

In April 2009 a three-page article about Great Bustard in Austria also covering the LIFE project was published in the "Weidwerk", the Austrian magazine for hunting and fishing.

Weidwerk April 2009 (pdf, 1,34 MB)

In April 2009 an article on the Bustard project was pulished in the proceedings of the European seminar “Which is the best conservation strategy for the protection of Bustards in Europe: reinforcement/reintroduction of populations or habitat conservation measures?” in Zoodyssée, Villiers-en-Bois (F)

The transboundary Great Bustard project was presented in a five minute part of a BBC documentary about the “green belt” in Europe. On March 6th, 2009 the documentary was broadcasted fort he first time by the BBC. On June 8th, 2009 at 8:15 p.m. the ARD broadcasted the documentary in German under the title „Das Grüne Band Vom Todesstreifen zur Lebenslinie“. On June 23rd, 2009 at 8:15 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a German version of the BBC documentary as well under the title „Der grüne Korridor“.

In March 2009 the Bustard project was presented in the magazine „Umwelt & wir in Niederösterreich“.

Umwelt & wir in Niederösterreich Ausgabe 01/2009 (pdf, 2,11 MB)

On February 3rd, 2009 7:00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the LIFE-project in the area Parndorfer Platte in the programme "Burgenland Heute". vom 03.02.2009 (pdf, 73 KB)

On January 22nd, 2009 Bgm. Reinhold Reif, the new head of the ÖGG was presented on a press conference in Deutsch Jahrndorf under participation of member of the government of Burgenland Ing. Werner Falb-Meixner. At least 3 articles were published in local and regional newspapers. The most comprehensive article was released on January 23rd, 2009 in the „Kurier Burgenland“:

KURIER Burgenland am 23. Jänner 2009 (pdf, 752 KB)

End of November and beginning of December 2009 at least two articles are printed in regional and local newspapers covering the annual meeting of the bustard protection association "Grüne Welt" in Sitzendorf (A) under participation of member of the government of Lower Austria DI Josef Plank on November 27th, 2008.

On April 17th, 2008 an article about the filming of the great bustards for the BBC documentary about the “green belt” and about the filming with thefederal Minister for agriculture and forestry, environment and water management Josef Pröll and member of the provincial government DI Nikolaus Berlakovich was published in Burgenland Kronenzeitung.

Kronenzeitung Burgenland am 17. April 2008 (pdf, 320 KB)

OnApril 15th, 2008 an article about Great Bustard was published in Burgenland Kurier.
KURIER Burgenland am 15. April 2008 (pdf, 935 KB)
In December, 2007 an article about the Great Bustard and the LIFE-project appeared in the employee's magazine of the BEWAG.

Mitarbeitermagazin BEWAG 4/2007 (pdf, 643kB)

In November 2007 the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management has sent a filmunder the title "LIFE-Nature: a track record for nature conservation and conservation of waters in Austria" to 1 300 schools in the LIFE project areas. The Great Bustard LIFE project is also presented on the double-DVD.

Begleitbrief von BM Pröll (pdf, 44 kB)

On October 17th, 2007 7:00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the bustardproject in the area Parndorfer Platte in the programme "Burgenland Heute": vom 17.10.2007 (pdf, 132 KB)

The following article about the Great Bustard was published in Burgenland Kurier on October 15th, 2007:

KURIER Burgenland am 17. Oktober 2007 (pdf, 500 KB)

On August 14th, 2007an article about projects for the protection of species in Lower Austria was published in the NATURSCHUTZBUND Newsletter. The Great Bustard project is also presented.

NATURSCHUTZBUND Newsletter 37 (pdf, 184 KB)

In July 2007 the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management released a new LIFE-double-DVD under the title "LIFE-Nature: a track record for nature conservation and conservation of waters in Austria". This product was sent to all LIFE-applicants, to Institutes of Universities and to different Nationalpark-Information centres.

In June 2007 a article under the title "Minister Josef Pröll visits Great Bustard area in Burgenland" was published in the "Weidwerk", the Austrian magazine for hunting and fishing.

On April 23th, 2007 a short article about the Great Bustard and the LIFE-project was published in the "Kronen Zeitung".

In March 2007 the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management released a new LIFE-brochures under the title "LIFE-Nature: a track record for nature conservation and conservation of waters in Austria". The Great Bustard LIFE project is also presented in the brochure.

Neue Broschüre LIFE-Natur in Österreich (pdf, 5,28 MB)

In February 2007 an article about the LIFE project was published in the EVN Journal:

EVN Journal Februar 2007 (pdf, 305 KB)

On January 26th, 2007 Radio BBC 4 broadcasted a report about the Slovakian and Austrian LIFE-projects at 11 o'clock.

BBC 4 am 26. Jänner 2007 (mp3, 5,39 MB)

The following article about the Great Bustard was published in Niederösterreich Kurier on December 2nd, 2006:

KURIER Niederösterreich am 2. Dezember 2006 (pdf, 616 KB)

On July 12th, 2006 ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the LIFE-project in the programme "Burgenland Heute" including pictures from July 11th, 2006 showing marking activities on the APG 380 kV power line in the area Parndorfer Platte. vom 12.07.2006 (pdf, 47 KB)

On May 10th, 2006 an article about the LIFE project was published in the "NÖ-Anzeiger".

"NÖ-Anzeiger" May 2006 (pdf, 648 KB)

In May 2006 on the occasion of a presentation of the species protection project an article about the LIFE project was published in the "NÖN Woche" 18/2006.

"NÖN Woche" 18/2006 (pdf, 924 KB)

Since April 1st, 2006 the hompage is a part of the internet rally "On the trace of nature" of the forum for environmental education ( and is therefore visited by many pupils.

In March, April and May 2006 a three-part article under the title "About the situation of the Great Bustard" was published in the "Weidwerk", the Austrian magazine for hunting and fishing. The third part deals only with LIFE project.

"Weidwerk" March 2006 (pdf, 1,34 MB)

"Weidwerk" April 2006 (pdf, 1,39 MB)

"Weidwerk" Mai 2006 (pdf, 1,07 MB)

In March 2006 Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Environment and Water Management released a LIFE-DVD and brochures under the title "LIFE-Nature: a track record for nature conservation and conservation of waters in Austria". The Great Bustard LIFE project is also presented on the DVD and in the brochure.

Broschüre LIFE-Natur in Österreich (pdf, 2,84 MB)

In March 2006 the article "LIFE project for the protection of the Great Bustard in Lower Austria" was published in the Austrian part of "Natur und Landschaft" the magazine for nature and landscape conservation.

In March 2006 an article about the Great Bustard and the LIFE-project was published in the Austrian national park newspaper "Geschnatter".

On February 8th, 2006 7:00 p.m. ORF 2 broadcasted a report about the great bustard in the area Parndorfer Platte in the programme "Burgenland Heute": vom 08.02.2006 (pdf, 37 KB)

The following article about the Great Bustard was published in Burgenland Kurier on January 10th, 2006:

KURIER Burgenland am 10. Jänner 2006 (pdf, 750 KB)

On November 17th, 2005 a short article about the Great Bustard and the LIFE-project was published in the "Kronen Zeitung".

On November 16th, 2005 Radio Niederösterreich broadcasted a report about the LIFE-project in the 9 o'clock news:

Radio Niederösterreich am 16. November 2005 (mp3, 839 KB)

In summer 2005 the European Commission approved a total of 54 nature conservation projects in 20 EU member states as part of the LIFE-Nature Programme. One of these is an Austrian nature conservation project to protect the Great Bustard. For further information please visit:

lifenatcompilation_05_lowres (pdf, 2,2 MB)
