Five healthy great bustard chicks have already hatched in Dévaványa
This year's first bustard chicks hatched at the Great Bustard Conservation Station of the Körös-Maros National Park Directorate recently. Caregivers feed and walk the five flaky little chicks every day.
Great bustard eggs rescued from the first endangered nests arrived at the Station in mid-April. So far, experts have delivered ten endangered eggs from the KMNP and two from more remote areas.
Within the framework of the LIFE project entitled “Cross-border protection of Great Bustard in Central Europe”, the National Park Directorate could procure new, modern hatcheries. This year's chicks have already been hatched in these facilities. The other bustard eggs are also constantly monitored at the Conservation Station and we are confident that the number of successfully hatching chicks will soon increase further.
The young birds will then be reared on the Directorate’s 400-acre Great Bustard Conservation Area and will be gradually released according to the practice of previous decades.
Article in the NÖN Hollabrunn
On July 18th 2019 a short article about the visit of the Bustard observation tower at the Wartberger church by the regional councilor Schleritzko was published.
NÖN - Artikel (jpeg, 221 KB)
Article about the golden Jackal and the influence on the Great Bustard in Kurier
On March 20th 2019 an interesting article about the golden jackal and the influence on the Great Bustard is published in Kurier.
Kurier Article (pdf, 147 KB)
Article on the homepage of the European Commission
An article on the LIFE Great Bustard project is published on the European Commission's website.
Article about the MaGICLandscapes project in the NÖN
On August 1st 2018 an interesting article about the MaGICLandscapes project in the Waldviertel is published in the NÖN.
NÖN-Artikel (pdf, 2853 kB)
Article about the gold jackal and the threats for the Great Bustard in the Kurier
On July 23th 2018 an interesting article about the golden jackal and the threats for the Great Bustard is published.
Kurier Artikel (pdf, 88 KB)
Article about game management on protected areas in Hungary
On July 20th 2018 an article about game management on protected areas is published in the Newsletter of the Kiskunság National park. The article can be found on page 9 in hungarian.
KNPD Newsletter (pdf, 7.324 KB)
Radio Report by Miklós Lóránt on the radio station Kossuth Radio MR1
Miklós Lóránt, Great Bustard expert in Hungary gives an interview on the radio station MR1 Kossuth. The radio report can be heard below (Hungarian).
Newspaper article about the opening of the observation tower „LIFE Großtrappe Tadten“ (Kopie)
On June 4th 2018 an interesting article about the opening of the observation tower "LIFE Großtrappe Tadten" in the BVZ is published.
Trappenschutz in Tadten (pdf, 2.361 kB)
Article about the Great Bustard protection in the BVZ
On April 1st 2018 an interesting article in the BVZ about the now third LIFE project Great Bustard and the visit of the LIFE project by Dr. Felix Bergmann from the Monitoring Team (NEEMO) and Mattia Pellegrini from the European Commission (EASME).
BVZ Article (pdf, 144 KB)