Press Releases
Topic Europe - ORF 2 Lower Austria broadcasted a report about the Great Bustard
On March 11th, 2014 at 7 p.m. ORF 2 Lower Austria broadcasted within the framework of the Europaen-week of ORF Lower Austria a 3 minutes report about the Great Bustard and the measures within the LIFE+ project in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel” in the programme “Niederösterreich heute”.
Radio Niederösterreich broadcasted a report about the Great Bustard
On March 11th, 2014 at 8 a.m. Radio Niederösterreich broadcasted a report about the Great Bustard.
Radio Niederösterreich on March 11, 2014:
- Teaser-Trappenschutz (mp3, 777 kB)
- Trappenschutz (mp3, 2,8 MB)
Article on the website of on February 28, 2014:
- Die Europa-Woche mit dem ORF NÖ (pdf, 222 KB)
Article on the website of on March 11, 2014:
- EU finanziert Schutz der Großtrappen (pdf, 57 KB)
Conference proceedings of the 20. Austrian conference for hunters published
On February 13th, 2014 an article from Rainer Raab about the Great Bustard (species protection and hunting of small game) was published in the conference proceedings of the 20. Austrian conference for hunters.
Tagungsband der 20. Österreichischen Jägertagung (pdf, 7 MB)
Opening of the observation tower “LIFE+ Great Bustard Roseldorf“
In June 2013 several reports about the opening of the observation tower “LIFE+ Great Bustard Roseldorf“ were broadcasted. A couple of articles were published in regional newspapers e.g. NÖN Hollabrunn.
Article published in the "Weidwerk April 2013"
In April 2013 an article under the title "Successful Protection of the Great Bustard" was published in the "Weidwerk", the Austrian magazine for hunting and fishing. The article deals with the LIFE and the LIFE+ project.
Weidwerk April 2013 (pdf, 150 kB)
Article in the Austrian newspaper „Der Standard“ published
On March 20th, 2013 an detailed article about the Great Bustard and the results of the LIFE and LIFE+ Project about the effects of power lines on the Great Bustard was published in the Austrian newspaper „Der Standard“ on page 17.
Der Standard am 20. März 2013 (pdf, 971 KB)
LIFE brochure of the European Commission presented
On Jannuary 11th, 2013, a new LIFE brochure “LIFE managing habitats for birds” of the European Commission was presented. This brochure also provides information about both LIFE projects for the protection of the Great Bustard in Austria on pages 33 to 35.
LIFE Broschüre „LIFE managing habitats for birds“ (ca. 5 MB)
Brochure of the “Land Niederösterreich“ presented in Marchegg
On October 24th, 2012, a new brochure of the “Land Niederösterreich“ is presented within the frameworks of the „LIFE 20th anniversary for Nature projects in Lower Austria“ event in Marchegg. This brochure also provides information about both LIFE projects for the protection of the Great Bustard in Austria. Additionally, the report in the programme “Land und Leute” concerning the LIFE+ project was presented to the public.
Broschüre 20 Jahre LIFE in Niederösterreich (Seiten 1, 2, 36, 37, 44 und 45; ca. 6 MB insgesamt)
Article published. The great bustard project mentioned as successfull example.
On October 17th, 2012, an article was published on the Internet, in which the Minister for Environment Niki Berlakovich describes Austria as an international model for successful protection of species. The great bustard project is mention as an example. Artikel vom 17. Oktober 2012 (pdf, 23 kB)
Artikel vom 17. Oktober 2012 (pdf, 23 kB)
Article about the effects of underground cabling and marking of power lines
In September 2012 an article about the effects of underground cabling and marking of power lines on the West-Pannonian Great Bustard Otis tarda population was published in the scientific journal Bird Conservation International, volume 22, issue 03.
Citation: Raab, R., Schütz, C., Spakovszky, P., Julius E. and Schulze, C. H. (2012). Underground cabling and marking of power lines: conservation measures rapidly reduced mortality of West-Pannonian Great Bustards Otis tarda. Bird Conservation International, 22, pp 299-306 doi:10.1017/S0959270911000463
Bird Conservation International im September 2012 (pdf, 684 KB;