From 08. to 10.03.2017 the international Great Bustard MoU and LIFE Project Meeting took place in Illmitz. The meeting with 42 participants from eight different countries (A, HU, DE, SVK, CZE, ROU, SRB, UK) was a huge success. In the course of the meeting many interesting presentations about the Conservation of the Great Bustard were held, an exciting field trip to the Bustard area Parndorfer Platte - Heideboden and an informative press conference with Landesrätin Astrid Eisenkopf took place. The meeting was additionally a very important step for planing the upcoming MoU-Meeting, which will be held 2018 in Germany. (Action E.6: Publications in scientific journals and presentations at scientific conferences)
PDF files of the held presentations
Lang, A. Nationalpark Neusiedel (pdf, 5.017 KB)
Lorant, M. Predator Management Hungary (pdf, 6.617 KB)
Lorant, M. Satellite Tracking Hungary) (pdf, 12.050 KB)
Raab, R. LIFE Projects for the Great Bustard (pdf, 48.626 KB)
Raab, R. Great Bustard Telemetry Tagging Technics (pdf, 2.335 KB)
Raab, R. Purpose of the Meeting (pdf, 2.968 KB)
Raab, R. Impact of White-tailed Eagle and Imperial Eagle on the Great Bustard (pdf, 28.793 KB)
Waters, D. The UK Great Bustard Trial Reintroduction 2004 - 2017 (pdf, 4.798 KB)
Watzke, H. Methods and Results of Satellite telemetry of Great Bustards in Germany and Russia (pdf, 2.342 KB)
(c) Förderverein Großtrappenschutz e.V.