On March 9th 2018, the National Report 2018 for the Great Bustard in Austria was published on the homepage of the Covention of Migratory Species in addition to the national reports of other member states. The report covers the development of the Great Bustard population since 2001, as well as results from the implemented and ongoing LIFE project Great Bustard.

2018 National Reports from Signatories - Austria (CMS/GB/MOS4/Inf.6.8) (pdf, 3.501 KB) 

The February issue of Universum Magazine features an extensive article on the Golden Jackal and its impact on wildlife and the endangerment of the Great Bustard.

Wieviel Goldschakal vertragen wir? (pdf, 728 KB)

On the 11th of January a very interesting event of BirdLife Austria took place in Vienna on "Species protection and predators". Presentation of the LIFE Project in many dialogues by R. Raab. (Action E.2: Project Board Meetings and Information Events)

In 2018, in the course of our LIFE Project Great Bustard, like for the first time in 2017, synchronous counts of the Great Bustard will take place throughout Central Europe, namely in January, in February and March counts will take place in Germany, Austria, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary, where Bustard experts in all known winter habitats will count preferably all Great Bustards on the same day.

On February 2nd 2017 the first international Synchronous Count took place in all three parts of Central Europe. The report can be found in following pdf.

International Winter Count of Great Bustards (pdf, 3.756 KB)

From November 10th to November 11th the 8th MAVIR Bird Conservation Conference took place in Budapest, Ungarn. Presentation of "25 years of the LIFE Programme - 12.5 years of LIFE Projects for the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) population in Central Europe - and the ongoing Austrian-Hungarian LIFE Project "Great Bustard" by R. Raab and M. Lóránt, as well as presentation of the LIFE Project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action E.6: Publications in scientific journals and presentations at scientific conferences).

On October 31st 2017 a Great Bustard photo by Franz Josef Kovacs reached more than 59.000 people on Facebook and received more than 3.000 reactions, comments and shares.