Fortunately, two females with offspring could already be spotted in the Marchfeld this year. Farmers in the Marchfeld have spotted these juvenile Bustards and Franz Josef Kovacs has been able to photograph them from a far distance on a high stand.

Reason for joy. During the night, at 1:45 am, a juvenile bustard was photographed by farmer Robert Kriegl in a fallow field in Marchfeld. Fortunately, the farmer has taken consideration. Because the fallow should have been chopped today - now once shifted by 2-3 weeks - and Bustard expert Rainer Raab will ride along and watch, because in the Marchfeld every juvenile Bustard is very much needed.

Miklós Lóránt, Great Bustard expert in Hungary gives an interview on the radio station MR1 Kossuth. The radio report can be heard below (Hungarian).

Radio Report MR1 Kossuth from 21.06.2018

On June 4th 2018 an interesting article about the opening of the observation tower "LIFE Großtrappe Tadten" in the BVZ is published.

Trappenschutz in Tadten (pdf, 2.361 kB)



On May 26th 2018, the official opening of the observation tower in Tadten takes place, as part of the "European Natura 2000 Day" and the 25th anniversary of the National Park Neusiedler See - Seewinkel, under the direction of Mayor Willibald Goldenits, ÖGG Chairman Werner Falb- Meixner, Great Bustard Coordinator Rainer Raab, National Park Director Johannes Ehrenfeldner, State Parliament President Rudolf Strommer and State Parliament Member Edith Sack.

On April 16th 2018 a television report was released on the Hungarian TV station M1. In this report, the Hungarian Great Bustard coordinator Miklós Lorant talks about the Great Bustard, the displaying behavior and the Great Bustard LIFE project.

The report can be viewed under the following link and starts from minute 10:

On April 1st 2018 an interesting article in the BVZ about the now third LIFE project Great Bustard and the visit of the LIFE project by Dr. Felix Bergmann from the Monitoring Team (NEEMO) and Mattia Pellegrini from the European Commission (EASME).

BVZ Article (pdf, 144 KB)

On 22.03.2018, an interesting article about the already third LIFE Project Great Bustard, as well as the evaluation by the European Commission (EASME) and the Monitoring team (NEEMO) was published in the Kurier.

Kurier Article (pdf, 688 KB)

EU wants to learn from Burgenland Great Bustards Protection!

Our projects for Europe's heaviest airworthy bird are best practice examples in nature conservation and cause a stir in Europe.

Through various activities, the GReat Bustard avtivists have managed to increase the endangered population of the Great Bustard in the border region of Austria-Hungary-Slovakia from under 100 animals to more than 400 specimens of "Otis tarda", while elsewhere in Europe the stocks continue to decline in many areas. During a visit by one responsible member of the European Commission (EASME) and the outsourced monitoring team (NEEMO), the body responsible for the evaluation of nature conservation projects, an attempt was made to determine the reasons for this success. Felix Bergmann and Mattia Pellegrini "We want to learn from the efforts we have made to be able to act similarly in other areas". The coordinator of the protection efforts in Austria and Central Europe, Rainer Raab "The combination of various measures for the Great Bustard brings success. The provision of specially designed protective areas for the successful rearing of young Bustards and the protection against losses are decisive factors. Due to the underground cabling and subsequent removal of medium-voltage power lines or marking of power lines, but also by the predator control by the hunters and the increased number of juvenile Bustards, the stock in northern Burgenland has recovered significantly". Werner Falb-Meixner, Chairman of the Austrian Society for the Protection of the Great Bustard "The secret of success is the intensive cooperation of farmers, hunters, conservationists and the communities. It has been possible to create the protection areas with the Austrian program for environmentally-oriented agriculture and to raise additional funds for various protection activities in the now 3rd EU LIFE project. "

On the picture from left:
Felix Bergmann (NEEMO), Miki Lorant (Hungarian Bustard Coordinator), Rainer Raab (European Great Bustard Coordinator), Mattia Pellegrini (EASME), Werner Falb-Meixner (Chairman of the Austrian Society for Great Bustard Conservation).