Dr. Hans Peter Kollar Technisches Büro für Biologie Teschnergasse 35/11 A-1180 Wien AUSTRIA Mobile: +43 664 971 41 75 Office: +43 1 406 65 41 Fax: +43 1 405 75 80 e-mail: office@dr-kollar.at www.dr-kollar.at
Dr. Manfred Pöckl Naturschutzsachverständiger beim Amt der Niederösterr. Landesregierung, gemeinsamer Ländervertreter, Abt. BD2, Landhausplatz 1, Haus 13, 13.321 A-3109 St. Pölten AUSTRIA Mobile: +43 676 812 14649 Office: +43 2742 9005 14649 Fax: +43 2742 9005 15760 e-mail: manfred.poeckl@noel.gv.at

Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab Technisches Büro für Biologie Quadenstr. 13 A-2232 Deutsch-Wagram AUSTRIA Mobile: +43 664 452 75 63 Office: +43 2247 49 47 Fax: +43 2247 49 47 e-mail: rainer.raab@tbraab.at
Pavel Simeonov Le Balkan-Bulgaria Foundation Branta Conservation Centre BG-9670 Durankulak Mobile: +359 887 308753 e-mail: lebalkan@lebalkan.org www.lebalkan.org
Dr. Mimi Kessler Eurasian Bustard Alliance P.O. Box 2705 Jackson, Wyoming, 83001 USA e-mail: mimi@eurasianbustardalliance.org eurasianbustardalliance.org
Dr. Jelena Kralj Institute of Ornithology Gundulićeva 24 10000 Zagreb CROATIA Mobile: + 385 91 786 3072 Office: +385 1 4825 401 e-mail: zzo@hazu.hr, jkralj@hazu.hr
Dr. Vlasta Škorpíková The Regional Authority of South Moravian Region Žerotínovo nám. 3, 601 82 Brno CZECH REPUBLIC Mobile: +420 723344091 Office: +420 541654322 e-mail: vlasta_skorpikova@volny.cz
Zdeněk Vermouzek Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO) Na Bělidle 34 CZ-15000 Praha-Smíchov CZECH REPUBLIC Mobile: - Office: +420 274 866 700 Fax: + 420 274 866 700 e-mail: cso@birdlife.cz
Dr. Torsten Langgemach Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Brandenburg Staatliche Vogelschutzwarte Dorfstraße 34 D-14715 Nennhausen, Ortsteil Buckow GERMANY Mobile: - Office: +49 33878 909912 Fax: +49 33878 60600 e-mail: torsten.langgemach@lfu.brandenburg.de, vogelschutzwarte@lfu.brandenburg.de
Dipl.-Biol. Henrik Watzke Förderverein Großtrappenschutz e.V. Buckower Dorfstraße 34 D-14715 Nennhausen, OT Buckow GERMANY Mobile: +49 176 21065465 Office: +49 33878 60257 Fax: +49 33878 60600 e-mail: info@grosstrappe.de
Péter Bánfi Körös-Maros National Park Directorate Túzokrezervátum H-5510 Dévaványa HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 687 0811 Office: +36 66 483 083 Fax: +36 66 483 083 e-mail: peter.banfi@kmnp.hu
András Bankovics Kiskunság National Park Directorate Liszt F. u. 19 H-6000 Kecskemét HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 555 1174 Office: - Fax: +36 76 481 074 e-mail: bankovicsa@knp.hu
Gábor Czifrák Körös-Maros National Park Directorate Túzokrezervátum H-5510 Dévaványa HUNGARY Mobile: - Office: +36 66 483 083 Fax: +36 66 483 083 e-mail: gabor.czifrak@kmnp.hu
Prof. Dr. Sándor Faragó Institute of Wildlife Management and Vertebrate Zoology University of West-Hungary Ady E. u. 5 H-9400 Sopron HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 957 1038 Office: +36 99 518 142 Fax: +36 99 518 350 e-mail: farago@emk.nyme.hu
Imre Fatér MME BirdLife Hungary Költő u. 21 H-1121 Budapest HUNGARY Mobile: - Office: +36 12 756 247 Fax: +36 12 756 267 e-mail: fater.imre@mme.hu
Sándor Konyhás Hortobágy National Park Directorate Sumen u. 2 H-4024 Debrecen HUNGARY Mobile:+36 30 655 4528 Office: - Fax: +36 52 529 940 e-mail: skonyhas@hnp.hu
Attila Králl MME BirdLife Hungary Költő u. 21 H-1121 Budapest HUNGARY Mobile: +36 20 460 5231 Office: +36 12 756 247 Fax: +36 12 756 267 e-mail: krall.attila@mme.hu
Miklós Lóránt Kiskunság National Park Directorate Liszt F. u. 19 H-6000 Kecskemét HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 336 4850 Office: - Fax: +36 76 481 074 e-mail: lorantm@knp.hu
Attila Pellinger Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate Rév-Kócsagvár H-9435 Sarród HUNGARY Mobile: - Office: +36 99 537 620 Fax: +36 99 537 621 e-mail: pellinger.attila@fhnp.hu
András Schmidt Ministry of Rural Development Deputy State Secretariat for Environment Protection Kossuth tér 11. H-1055 Budapest HUNGARY Mobile: +36 306788764 Office: +36 1 7952399 e-mail: andras.schmidt@fm.gov.hu
Antal Széll Körös-Maros National Park Directorate Túzokrezervátum H-5510 Dévaványa HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 475 1773 Office: +36 66 483 083 Fax: +36 66 483 083 e-mail: antal.szell@kmnp.hu
László Tóth Bükk National Park Directorate Sánc u. 6 H-3304 Eger HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 349 5687 Office: +36 36 411 581 Fax: +36 36 412 791 e-mail: hfptk@freemail.hu
Péter Tóth MME BirdLife Hungary Költő u. 21 H-1121 Budapest HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 869 0870 Office: +36 12 756 247 Fax: +36 12 756 267 e-mail: toth.peter@mme.hu
Dr. Zsolt Végvári Department of Conservation Zoology Hortobágy National Park Directorate - University of Debrecen Sumen u. 2 H-4024 Debrecen HUNGARY Mobile: +36 30 239 5542 Office: +36 52 349 922 Fax: - e-mail: vegvari@hnp.hu
Morteza Naderi Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Arak University, Arak 38156-8-8349 IRAN Mobile: +989 125 798 913 e-mail: ghnadery@yahoo.com, m-naderi@araku.ac.ir
Francesco Petretti LIPU Via degli Scipioni, 268/a 00192 Roma ITALY Mobile: +39 333 5236133 e-mail: okapia.studium@virgilio.it, info@francescopetretti.it
Dr. Andrei Munteanu & Dr. Nicole Zubcore Academy of Science of Moldova and Institute of Zoology of Academy of Science of Moldova MD-2028, Chisinau 1, Academiei str. MOLDOVA Mobile: - Office: +373 22 27 03 13 Fax: +373 22 54 28 23 e-mail: izoola@mail.md
Darko Saveljić MONTENEGRO Center for Protection and Research of Birds Veliše Mugoše bb, 81000 Podgorica MONTENEGRO Mobile: +38220271052 Office: - Fax: - e-mail: darkosaveljic@gmail.com www.czip.me
Abdeljebbar Qninba Département de Zoologie Laboratoire de Géo et Biodversité, Institut Scientifique Université Mohammed V de Rabat. Av. Ibn Battouta, BP 703, 10090, Agdal, Rabat, Maroc Mobile : +212 (0)6 61 18 48 23 Tél : +212 (0)5 37 77 45 48/49/50 Fax : +212 (0)5 37 77 45 40 e-mail: qninba_abdel59@yahoo.fr
Francisco Moreira University of Porto Praça de Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002 Porto PORTUGAL Office: +351 22 040 8000 Fax: - e-mail: fmoreira@isa.utl.pt
Pedro Azenha Rocha Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana R. D. Sancho II, 54 7750-350 Mértola PORTUGAL Mobile: - Office: +35 1 286 610 090 Fax: +35 1 286 610 099 e-mail: pnvg@icnb.pt
Márcia Pinto Institudo da Conservacao de Natureza (ICN) Rua de Santa Marta, 55 1150 - 294 LISBOA PORTUGAL Mobile: - Office: +35 1 21 3507900 Fax: +35 1 21 3507984 e-mail: pintom@icn.pt
Yoav Perlman University of East Anglia Rua de Santa Marta, 55 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia , Norwich Pesearch Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UNITED KINGDOM Mobile: - Office: - Fax: - e-mail: yoav.perlman@gmail.com
Attila Nagy Milvus Group Association Str. Crinului nr. 22 540600 Tîrgu Mures, OP 1 CP 40 ROMANIA Mobile: +40 728 303868 Office: +40 265 264726 Fax: +40 265 264726 e-mail: attila.nagy@milvus.ro
Emil Todorov Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) Bucureşti 030231, Bd. Hristo Botev ROMANIA Mobile: - Office: +40 31 4255657 Fax: +40 31 4255656 e-mail: emil_todorov@abv.bg
DR. Sc. Mikhail Oparin A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution (Saratov Branch), Russian Academy of Science Director Saratov 410028, Rabochaya str., 24 RUSSIA Mobile: +7 9376360347 Office: +7 8452 221612 Fax: +7 8452 221612 e-mail: oparinml@mail.ru
Dr. Olga Oparin A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution (Saratov Branch), Russian Academy of Science Saratov, 410028, Rabochaya str., 24 RUSSIA Mobile: +7 9376360349 Office: +7 8452 228123 Fax: +7 8452 221612 e-mail: otis07@mail.ru
David Grabovac Banatsko Arandjelovo, Mokrin, Jazovo SERBIA Mobile: +381 65 331 1781 e-mail: davcogr@gmail.com www.velikadroplja.rs
Slobodan Puzovic Provincial Secretariat of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Autonomus Province of Vojvodina Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 16 SRB-21000 Novi Sad SERBIA Mobile: - Office: +381 21 487 4719 Fax: +381 21 456 238 e-mail: slobodan.puzovic@pzzp.rs
Nikola Stojnic Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province Radnicka 20a SRB-21000 Novi Sad SERBIA Mobile: +381 66 381 494 Office: +381 21 4896 306 Fax: +381 21 6616 252 e-mail: nikola.stojnic@pzzp.rs
Jozef Chavko Raptor Protection of Slovakia (RPS) Trhová 54 SK-841 01 Bratislava 42 SLOVAKIA Mobile: +421 903 768 394 Office: +421 2 555 73 440 Fax: +421 2 555 73 440 e-mail: chavko@dravce.sk
Miroslav Demko SOS / Birdlife Slovakia Mlynské Nivy 41 821 09 Bratislava SLOVAKIA Mobile: +42 905 476 779 Office: +42 1 2 554 22 185 Fax: +42 1 2 554 22 186 e-mail: demko@vtaky.sk
Dr. Javier A. Alonso Departamento de Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución Facultad de Biología, Univ. Complutense E-28 040 Madrid SPAIN Mobile: +34 629 20 48 27 Office: +34 394 49 44 Fax: +34 394 49 47 e-mail: jaalonso@bio.ucm.es
Dr. Juan Carlos Alonso Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas José Gutiérrez Abascal 2 E-28006 Madrid SPAIN Mobile: +34 607 78 03 28 Office: +34 91 411 13 28 Fax: +34 91 564 50 78 e-mail: jcalonso@mncn.csic.es www.proyectoavutarda.org www.jcalonso.eu
Ferdi Akarsu Ornithologist (Species Expert) Cumhuriyet mah. İncirlidede cd. No:2 A blok D:48 Şişli İstanbul TURKEY Mobile: +90 506 6619300 e-mail: ferdi.akarsu@gmail.com
Hilary Welch Doga Koruma Merkezi, Nature Conservation Centre Ortadoğu Sitesi 1589. Sokak (Eski 320. Sokak) No: 4 06530 Yüzüncüyıl, Ankara TURKEY Mobile: - Office: +90 312 287 40 67 Fax: +90 312 286 68 20 e-mail: hilary.welch@dkm.org.tr
Burak Tatar T.C Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı Beştepe Mahallesi Alparslan Türkeş Caddesi No: 71 ANKARA Mobile: +3122075000 e-mail: btatar@ormansu.gov.tr
Arif Kemal Helvaci Volunteer Kemalöz Mahallesi Sht. Vehbi Demir Sk. No:4a 64200 Usak Merkez/Usak TURKEY Mobile: +905327126974 e-mail: arif.kemal@akh.com.tr
Yuri Andryushchenko Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine and Melitopol State Teacher Training University 20 Lenin street Melitopol 72312 UKRAINE Mobile: - Office: - Fax:- e-mail: anthropoides@mail.ru
Ruth Manvell Director of the Great Bustard Group 1 Down Barn Close Winterbourne Gunner, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 6JP UNITED KINGDOM Mobile: +447778576310 e-mail: ruth.manvell321@btinternet.com |
David Waters Executive Officer of "The Great Bustard Group" 1 Down Barn Close Winterbourne Gunner, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 6JP UNITED KINGDOM Mobile: +44 797 4785426 Office: +44 1980 611686 Fax: - e-mail: WBustard@aol.com
Paul Goriup Member, IUCN Bustard Specialist Group 36 Kingfisher Court Hambridge Road Newbury RG14 5SJ UNITED KINGDOM Mobile: +44 7766 707 817 Office: +44 1635 550380 Fax: +44 1635 550230 e-mail: paul.goriup@fieldfare.biz |
Michael Brombacher Central Asian IBA Project Coordinator Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan (ACBK), Office 210, 40 Orbita-1 Almaty 050043, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Mobile: +7 300 7584131 Office: +7 3272 203877 Fax: - e-mail: Michael.Brombacher@acbk.kz
Sara Hallager Curator of Birds | Member of the IUCN Bustard Specialist Group Department of Animal Care Sciences National Zoological Park Smithsonian Institution MRC 5523, Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA Mobile: +1 240 426 3313 Office: +1 202 633 3088 Fax: +1 202 633 8727 e-mail: hallagers@si.edu