Results of the synchronous winter count of the Great Bustard in Central Europe 2024

Results of the synchronous winter count of the Great Bustard in Central Europe in January 2024 within the LIFE project “Great Bustard”: Efforts to protect the great bustard are showing success throughout Central Europe.

The results in 2024 show again a slightly increase in the Central European Population. In total 2,723 individuals were counted, which means a growth by approx. 11% (2022-2024). The strongest relative increase was in the East-Pannonian population, which increased by approx. 16% (2022-2024). The West-Pannonian population has grown by approx. 7% (2022-2024) and the German population slightly decreased by approx. 4%. This means that there is an increase in the Central European population by approx. 56% from the year 2017 to 2024.

Full report here.


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