Half a century great bustard protection

A recent article published on the webpage of the Ministry of Agriculture praising great bustard nature conservation efforts, as it is the 50th anniversary of great bustard being protected in Hungary.

Deputy state secretary of nature conservation, Bertalan Balczó emphasized systematic protection efforts and habitat protection through agriculture based payment schemes and cooperation between sectors. Based on such conservation efforts Hungarian great bustard population exceeds 1600 individuals. This is a significant result, as the population size was only half of the current population  50 years ago.

The article of the Ministry highlights the Great Bustard Rescue Centre at Dévaványa, established in 1978. This centre was originally set up to handle and hatch rescued eggs of the speciesand repatriate chicks to the wild, but its role in great bustard conservation have expanded since - - especially after the establishment of Kösös-Maros National Park Directorate.

Great bustard protection is a complex acitivity, for the coordination and strategic approach Great Bustard Working Goup was established involving related governmental and non-governmental organisations. . Conservation work is supported by large-scale projects such as the ongoing LIFE project "Cross-border protection of the Great Bustard in Central Europe". In addition to scientific activities and direct nature conservation interventions, the conservation work is carried out in cooperation with stakeholders - - electricity providers, game managers and farmers.  The joint great bustard population of the Carpathian basin (Hungarian, Austrian, Slovakian, Romanian and Serbian populations) exceeds 2200 individuals. The protection is well established scientifically and well organized, the conservation sector and its partners know the steps to be taken in order to protect the species in the long run.

The original article: Ministry of Agriculture (in Hungarian)





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