Conference: Shared airspace - Towards a Bird-Friendly Power Grid

Conference: Shared airspace - Towards a Bird-Friendly Power Grid

On September 28, 2022, RGI (Renewables Grid Initiative) and NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) together with seven German power grid operators invited to the event "Shared Airspace: Towards a bird-friendly power grid" in the Dortmunder U. The LIFE Great Bustard project was also invited to present the experiences of the project. Together with other participants,  bird protection in the power grid in Germany, but also beyond national borders, could be further developed. The conference was about anchoring bird protection in the debate about environmentally friendly grid expansion and equally about uncovering hurdles and ways of implementation.

The forthcoming expansion of renewable energies is consequently accompanied by the expansion of the power grid. Herein lies the opportunity to enter into dialogue and bring together various interests for the energy transition and species protection.

(c) RGI

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