Opening Event of the Observation Tower in Pama with Country Council Verena Dunst, Werner Falb-Meixner, Mayor Josef Wetzelhofer and many more, Presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R.Raab. (Action D.2: Informationevents and Project Board Meetings)

LIFE Platform Krems on 11th and 12th of May 2016, Presentation "Maßnahmen des LIFE+ Projektes "Grezüberschreitender Schutz der Großtrappe in Österreich - Fortsetzung" LIFE09 NAT/AT/000225" and Presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab. (Action D.6: Publications in scientific Journals and Presentations at scientifc Conferences)

On May 3rd 2016 an interesting article about the immigration of the golden jackal and the resulting threat for the Great Bustard was published on page 34 of the austrian newspaper "Die Presse".

"Die Presse" on May 3rd 2016 (pdf, 2,88 MB)

APG Bird Protection Conference in "Frauenkirchen" on 20th and 21st of April 2016, Presentation "Wirksamkeitsprüfung der Leitungsmarkierung - Zwischenergebnisse des Stromleitungsmonitorings in den Trappengebieten Österreichs aus dem Zeitraum 2002 bis 2015 im Rahmen des LIFE bzw. LIFE+ Projektes Großtrappe" and "Vogel-Video-Monitoring an der Enns - Erste Zwischenergebnisse des videounterstützen Stromleitungsmonitorings an der Enns bei Ernsthofen" and Presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab. (Action D.6: Publications in scientific Journals and Presentations at scientific Conferences)

On April 15th 2016 an article about the success of the great bustard protection was published in BVZ. The success of the two large EU-financed LIFE - Projects for the great bustard and the cultivation of 5300 hectars of great bustard protections areas are mentioned.

BVZ on 15.04.2016 (pdf, 2,11 MB)

The illustrated book “Die Großtrappe in Mitteleuropa. Erfolgreicher Schutz der westpannonischen Population“ from Raab, R., Kovacs, F. J., Julius, E., Raab, S., Schütz, C., Spakovszky, P und Timar, J., which was produced in 2010 within the LIFE project (1,500 copies) with the financial support of the project partner Austrian Power Grid AG (covering printing cost), was handed out to 425 stakeholders by R. Raab. Additional 19 project-municipals and 6 project-partner got an information board till March 25th. The rest of the illustrated books were given directly from the APG to Stakeholder.(Action D.7: raising awareness among stakeholders in WWV and SPT respectively Action D.8: raising awareness among stakeholders in PPH and WHA)

Event of the eNu in Wolkersdorf (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awareness among stakeholders in WWV und SPT)

In March 2016 an article about the genetic structure of the threatened West-Pannonian Great Bustard Otis tarda population was published in the scientific journal PeerJ.

Citation: Horreo, J. L., Raab, R., Spakovszky, P. & Alonso, J. C. (2016): Genetic structure of the threatened West-Pannonian population of Great Bustard (Otis tarda). PeerJ 4: e1759.

PeerJ im März 2016 (pdf, 4,8 MB)

Meeting with Werner Friedl (mayor of Zurndorf) in Zurndorf, presentation of the progress within the LIFE+ Project by R. Raab (Action D.8: raising awareness among stakeholders in PPH and WHA)

Annual meeting of the bustard protection association “Grüne Welt” in Roseldorf (A) with participation of Gerald Patschka (LK NÖ) and Bernhard Frank (Land NÖ), presentation of the progress within the LIFE+ Project by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awarreness among stakeholders in WWV and SPT)

Presentation “Natura 2000-Vogelschutzgebiete und LIFE als Instrumente zur Umsetzung von Maßnahmen am Beispiel des grenzüberschreitenden Artenschutzprojektes Großtrappe” held in the frame of the lecture “Schutzgebietsmanagement und Wildtiere in Mitteleuropa” at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) by R. Raab (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)

Nature conservation event in Eisenstad (A), Presentation „Maßnahmen des LIFE+ Projekts „Grenzüberschreitender Schutz der Großtrappe in Österreich - Fortsetzung“ LIFE09 NAT/AT/000225“ and presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)

Event of the “Nationalpark Donau-Auen“ in Maria Ellend (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awaresess among stakeholders in WWV und SPT)