LIFE Project
"Cross-border protection of the Great Bustard in Central Europe"
The Great Bustard (Otis tarda) is one of the heaviest birds that is able to fly. It is a globally threatened species occurring in Austria and Hungary. Since more than 10 years the "Technische Büro für Biologie Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab" is responsible for the conservation project Great Bustard. On this website you can find general informations about the Great Bustard, projects for the protection of the Great Bustard and current informations about the LIFE Project Great Bustard.
Latest News
Results of the synchronous winter count of the Great Bustard in Central Europe 2024
Read more … Results of the synchronous winter count of the Great Bustard in Central Europe 2024
LIFE Project
"Cross-border protection of the Great Bustard in Central Europe"
The four project areas.
Austria (AT) and Hungary (HU) have been very active in Great Bustard conservation in the last years. After two Austrian LIFE and LIFE+ projects and one LIFE project in Hungary now both EU-countries are implementing together a huge cross-border protection project for Great Bustards in Central Europe. Based on the great success of the former measures the objectives of this LIFE project are to continue intensive habitat management efforts, reduce the threat of collision with power lines - for many years the no. 1 mortality factor for Great Bustards - and reduce predation. The LIFE project aims to support and maximise the effectiveness of the cross-border protection in Austria and Hungary through coordination of conservation measures and optimal communication.