LIFE Projekte für die Großtrappe in ganz Europa

LIFE92 NAT/P/013900

First phase of the conservation of steppic birds in Castro Verde

LIFE92 NAT/D/004838

Protecting great bustard habitats in Brandenburg

LIFE94 NAT/D/000500

Fiener Bruch - Using experience from other LIFE-projects

LIFE95 NAT/P/000178

Second phase of the project for the conservation of steppe birds in Castro Verde

LIFE96 NAT/E/003102

ZEPAS/Extremadura - Preservation of the Little Bustard, Great Bustard and Lesser Kestrel in Extremadura

LIFE96 NAT/E/003080

Villafáfila - Preservation and integral management of the Great bustard (Otis tarda) habitat in the ZEPA of Villafafila (Zamora, Spain)

LIFE99 NAT/E/006350

Avutarda/Villafafila - Management of the Great Bustard's habitat in the ZEPA of Villafáfila

LIFE00 NAT/E/007348

ZEPA La Serena - Management of the PSA-SCI 'La Serena y Sierras periféricas'

LIFE03 NAT/E/000052

Albuera Extremadura - Conservation and management of the SPA for Birds site of Community interest wetland "La Albuera" in Extremadura

LIFE03 NAT/CP/P/000008

Evaluation of bustard conservation best practice in Western Europe

LIFE04 NAT/HU/000109

OTISHU - Conservation of Otis tarda in Hungary

LIFE05 NAT/A/000077

Grosstrappe - Cross-border Protection of the Great Bustard in Austria

LIFE05 NAT/SK/000115

OTISSK - Conservation of Otis tarda in Slovakia

LIFE07 NAT/P/000654

EstepÁrias - Conservation of Great Bustard, Little Bustard and Lesser Kestrel in the Baixo Alentejo …

LIFE09 NAT/AT/000225

LIFE+ Großtrappe - Cross-border Protection of the Great Bustard in Austria - continuation

LIFE09 NAT/UK/000020

Reintroducing Otis tarda - Reintroducing the great bustard Otis tarda to southern England

LIFE15 NAT/AT/000834

LIFE Great Bustard - Cross-border protection of the Great Bustard in Central Europe

LIFE15 NAT/ES/000734