Event of viadonau in Dürnkrut (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Farmers ensure - in consultation with the Great Bustard advisor – the access to rape fields for the Great Bustard in winter in both project areas „Westliches Weinviertel“ and „Parndorfer Platte – Heideboden“ (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Meeting of Austrian-Hungarian ornithologists in Illmitz (A): Presentation of the lecture “ Monitoring der Großtrappe in den Gebieten Parndorfer Platte - Heideboden, Mosonszolnok und Hanság 2002-2012 sowie Ziele und Maßnahmen des LIFE+ Projektes Großtrappe“ by R. Raab (Action D.6: Publications in professional journals and lectures at conferences of experts

On Jannuary 11th, 2013, a new LIFE brochure “LIFE managing habitats for birds” of the European Commission was presented. This brochure also provides information about both LIFE projects for the protection of the Great Bustard in Austria on pages 33 to 35.

LIFE Broschüre „LIFE managing habitats for birds“ (ca. 5 MB)

Annual meeting of the bustard protection association “Grüne Welt” in Roseldorf (A) with participation of Gerald Patschka (LK NÖ) and Bernhard Frank (Land NÖ), presentation of the progress within the LIFE+ Project by R. Raab (Action D.7: Sensitisation of stakeholders in WWV and SPT)

Presentation “Natura 2000-Vogelschutzgebiete und LIFE als Instrumente zur Umsetzung von Maßnahmen am Beispiel des grenzüberschreitenden Artenschutzprojektes Großtrappe” held in the frame of the lecture “Schutzgebietsmanagement und Wildtiere in Mitteleuropa” at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) by R. Raab (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)

Completion of the bird observation tower “LIFE+ Great Bustard Roseldorf”. The bird observation tower is available to the visitors of the SPA “Westliches Weinviertel” seeking to observe the Great Bustards (Action “LIFE 20th anniversary”)

Construction of the bird observation tower “LIFE+ Great Bustard Roseldorf“ for the “LIFE 20th anniversary” (Action “LIFE 20th anniversary”)

Since the summer of 2012, Mag. Rainer Raab assists the hungarian colleagues with the implementation of the next experts- and MoU-meetings for great bustard conservation, which is planned in april 2013 in Hungary. Therefore, the Central European bustard coordinator an his co-workers participated in a meeting on the 21th of November 2012 in Budapest (H) (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Event „Nature conservation: crises or future?“ in Vienna (A), presentation of the LIFE+ project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Inspection of the LIFE Project „Great Bustard“ (2005-2010) by Littlejohn by order of the EC. The Final Audit Report of Dezember 19th, 2012 is now available. This report confirms that the financal management of the LIFE Project „Great Bustard“ (2005-2010) was done properly

On October 24th, 2012, a new brochure of the “Land Niederösterreich“ is presented within the frameworks of the „LIFE 20th anniversary for Nature projects in Lower Austria“ event in Marchegg. This brochure also provides information about both LIFE projects for the protection of the Great Bustard in Austria. Additionally, the report in the programme “Land und Leute” concerning the LIFE+ project was presented to the public.

Broschüre 20 Jahre LIFE in Niederösterreich (Seiten 1, 2, 36, 37, 44 und 45; ca. 6 MB insgesamt)

A new brochure of the “Land Niederösterreich“ is presented within the frameworks of the „LIFE 20th anniversary for Nature projects in Lower Austria“ event in Marchegg. This brochure also provides information about both LIFE projects for the protection of the Great Bustard in Austria. Additionally, the report in the programme “Land und Leute” concerning the LIFE+ project was presented to the public. (Action “LIFE 20th anniversary”)

Start of the construction of the bird observation tower “LIFE+ Great Bustard Roseldorf“ for the “LIFE 20th anniversary” (Action “LIFE 20th anniversary”)