Project visit by Wulf und Eva Kappes in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel“ (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Project visit by Wulf und Eva Kappes in the project area “Parndorfer Platte – Heideboden“ (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Event in Tulln (A), presentation of the LIFE+ project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awareness among stakeholders in WWV und SPT)

Bustard experts of the Austrian LIFE+ Project and from Hungary and Slovakia meet as usual on the synchronous counting day at the border triangle to consult each other about the results of the bustard counting and to exchange information on the state of the LIFE+ Project in A and the activities after the LIFE+ Projects in H and SK (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Meeting with mayors from the project area “Parndorfer Platte – Heideboden“ in Deutsch Jahrndorf (A) in the field (Action D.8: Sensibilisierung der Stakeholder in PPH und WHA)

Presentation “Die Großtrappe in Österreich – die aktuelle Situation sowie Ziele und Maßnahmen des laufenden LIFE+ Artenschutzprojektes” at BirdLife Austria in Vienna (A) by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)

Dr. Felix Bergmann of the EU monitoring team is visiting the LIFE+ Project Great Bustard in the project areas “Parndorfer Platte - Heideboden” and “Waasen - Hanság” (Action E.1: General project implementation)

Project visit by LJM DI Peter Prieler (senior representative of the official hunters’ association of Burgenland) together with a film team in the project area “Parndorfer Platte - Heideboden”; presentation of the LIFE+ project by R. Raab (Action D.8: raising awareness among stakeholders in PPH and WHA respectively Action E.7: Monitoring of the Great Bustard population in PPH)

Visit of the Serbian bustard areas and one Hungarian bustard area together with Anna Práger and Miklós Lóránt by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator).

In April 2013 an article under the title "Successful Protection of the Great Bustard" was published in the "Weidwerk", the Austrian magazine for hunting and fishing. The article deals with the LIFE and the LIFE+ project.

Weidwerk April 2013 (pdf, 150 kB)

Excursion for members of the “Naturkundlichen Gesellschaft Mostviertel” in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel“ by R. Raab (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)

Excursion for pupils of agriculture school in Hollabrunn with in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel“ (Action D.2: Information sessions for public relations and board meetings of the project)

Project visit by Maria Christine Schweighofer (Schutzgebietsnetzwerk Weinviertel) in the project area “Westliches Weinviertel“ (Action D.7: Sensibilisierung der Stakeholder in WWV und SPT)

RAMSAR event in Marchegg (A), presentation of the LIFE+ Project in many dialogues by R. Raab (Action D.7: raising awareness among stakeholders in WWV und SPT)

Delegates from Czech Republic as well as R. Raab visited the projet area “Westliches Weinviertel“; introduction to the LIFE+ Project by R. Raab (Action E.4: Central European bustard coordinator)